So here’s the thing: bloggers generally only photograph the prettied-up versions of their homes. We spend hours and hours making sure that everything is just so before snapping our pics. We then run those perfectly posed pics through a rigorous regime of re-sizing, editing, watermarking, collaging, and so on.

Not today.

Today I am laying bare the very worst spot in my home. Ironically, I use it on an almost daily basis. And by « use », I mean that I retrieve supplies from its gaping maw and then proceed to make a giant mess elsewhere in the house. My husband finds this endearing. (Obviously.)

Well, he will just have to find some other character flaw cute quirk to love, because my craft and sewing space is getting a MAKEOVER! As part of the $100 Room Challenge, hosted by Erin at Lemons, Lavender, and Laundry, I will give it not only a thorough cleaning but a whole new look… on a $100 budget!

$100 Room Challenge hosted by Lemons, Lavender, and Laundry

For what you are about to witness, I am truly and deeply sorry. This is the raw, uncensored, un-Pinterest-worthy « Before » of my craft and sewing room. Things are getting VERY real here on Flourish & Knot today.

Really, I am so sorry.

Ok, here goes…

Craft & Sewing Room "BEFORE" | $100 Room Challenge | Flourish & Knot

I wasn’t kidding when I said it was bad! I mean, take a look at that blue bucket just hanging off the edge of the table. Or how about the bag of fabric scraps (on the shelf) that is also an inch away from tumbling to the floor. Not that the floor is a stranger to random junk. If you look closely under the table, you’ll notice a single black feather. Perhaps it’s symbolic of my craft space taking flight with the challenge?

Or it’s just a feather that I didn’t bother to clean up. One of the two.

Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

Craft & Sewing Room "BEFORE" | $100 Room Challenge | Flourish & Knot

That bookcase is getting a facelift as part of the challenge. It lived for many years in my grandmother’s apartment, and is SUPER solid. It just need some help.

I tried to organize my supplies. I really did. It’s just that they keep exploding from their containers every time I do a project! It really isn’t my fault.

Craft & Sewing Room "BEFORE" | $100 Room Challenge | Flourish & Knot

Okay all those bags heaped in the corner are kind of my fault. I think the grocery bag contains many many cans of metallic spray paint. Also please note the stray Christmas wired ribbon escaping from the bag. And why are the drawers in the corner empty, you ask? Well, I « organized » my fabric about a month ago, and it is sitting in nice, colour-coordinated piles… on the floor.

Craft & Sewing Room "BEFORE" | $100 Room Challenge | Flourish & Knot

This is definitely a problem spot that needs resolving. (Surely I deserve some recognition for at least admitting there’s a problem?) I need to stop keeping EVERY SINGLE GIFT BAG I HAVE EVER BEEN GIVEN. So this will need to be culled.

Okay, that’s enough horror for one day, I think. Let’s move on to the pretty pretty inspiration!

Craft & Sewing Room Inspiration | $100 Room Challenge | Flourish & Knot

Wheeeeee! So colourful and cheerful! And organized! And nary a stray black feather in sight!

We just came back from a trip to Erick’s family in Mexico, so I’m super inspired by the bright, vibrant colours of Mexican traditional folk art. This is a generally dark area (it’s in our basement), so it needs all the sparking up it can get.

Here are some of the pics I’m using as inspiration for the actual organization of the space. Click on the picture to check out the original source.

If you want to see more of my inspiration and ideas for this space, you can check out my $100 Room Challenge Pinterest board!

[pin_board url= »″]

My plan for the next four weeks is this:

  • Paint the bookcase navy with some kind of contrasting colour (white?) or wallpaper on the back
  • Upholster a stool for the table
  • Make covers for the sewing machine and serger
  • Replace the broken pot light in the far corner
  • Window treatment
  • Giant pegboard for all my sewing supplies and for a lot of craft stuff
  • Baskets for the rest of the supplies
  • Actually organize my fabric… but will need more than those four drawers. Hm.
  • Bring down a second, matching, smaller table/counter. This may be permanently set up with my sewing machine?
  • Frame some art – gallery wall?

And all for $100. Bring it.

Want to see what my friends are doing with $100? Get your $100 Room Challenge fix here!