Today’s #SpectacularSummerBlogHop post from Health, Home & Hearth looks AMAZING! As in, I’m going to the grocery store to buy the ingredients RIGHT NOW. Amy is sharing the most delicious-looking Homemade Blackberry Lemonade recipe and I really, really want to taste-test it! (How have we invented 3D printers that will print kidneys, but not computers that will print a glass of blackberry lemonade?? I ask you…)

Naturally, anyone who comes up with such a yummy-looking summer drink needs further introduction, no? Here’s a bit of trivia about Amy: 

If you had a warning label, what would yours say?

So, I asked my husband what I should say for this one. His response: « Warning – Be careful what you say around me. I’m likely to remember exactly what you said for the rest of your life. »

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Australia. This is a bucket list destination for me for many different reasons. I hope someday I’ll be able to make it happen, although it probably won’t be until my kids are quite a bit older…

Don’t forget to stop by Health, Home & Heart for Amy’s Homemade Blackberry Lemonade recipe! There’s also so much summer inspiration to be had in the rest of the blog hop. You can find all the posts (so far!) by clicking the thumbnails below. 

Spectacular Summer Blog Hop