Lists have been written and re-written. Mounds and mounds of paper and ribbon and fabric and paint have been sorted. Bins have been emptied and re-filled. Pinterest has been surfed. Plans have been made! My craft & sewing room makeover has begun in earnest as part of the $100 Room Challenge, and I am so excited to share my progress with you.

When we left off last week, I had shared the gory « BEFORE » details with you and filled you in on my general inspiration (Mexican folk art; bright colours; navy, fuschia, goldenrod palette; lots and lots of storage). I also introduced you to the $100 Room Challenge itself: a month-long decorating challenge hosted by Lemons, Lavender, and Laundry

Craft & Sewing Room Makeover Plans | Navy, Fuschia, Goldenrod Palette | $100 Room Challenge | Week 2 | Budget Decor

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As you no doubt gathered from the title of this post, I have $100 to work with for this space, so a lot of what I’m doing involves shopping my supplies (or my parents’ supplies!), rather than buying new. The paint is left over from our Harry Potter nursery, the furniture is all stuff we already own, and I am shopping our house for art.


One of the purchases I’ve made are four more 6-Quart Storage Bins to house my craft supplies. Mine come from the dollar store, but there are some great options elsewhere. I know that opaque bins would LOOK better overall, but I like to be able to instantly see what’s in each one. I do plan to label them all properly, though, and I’ll come up with some way of prettying them up a bit.

What’s next in my craft & sewing room makeover?

Craft & Sewing Room Makeover Plans | Navy, Fuschia, Goldenrod Palette | $100 Room Challenge | Week 2 | Budget Decor

On this side of the space, I’ll be focusing on that bookcase. It was my grandmother’s and is in great shape, but needs some TLC in the form of a good sanding and some fresh paint. I’ll also be removing the little plate ledges at the back of each shelf. The plastic and wire drawers in the corner will find a new home, and the remaining craft supplies (that won’t be stored on the pegboard – more about that in a second) will get organized and boxed up. We also have a broken pot light, which will be an easy fix for my handy hubby.

Craft & Sewing Room Makeover Plans | Navy, Fuschia, Goldenrod Palette | $100 Room Challenge | Week 2 | Budget Decor

On the other side of the space, I’ll be adding a shorter version of the current counter/table (which is in our kitchen for the time being… But a non-existent beam over the window is forcing us into some major kitchen re-vamp plans). I think I’ll set up my sewing machine on the smaller counter permanently, leaving the longer counter for other projects or for cutting/pinning when I sew.

I have the ugly red plastic drawers to spray paint (’cause you can’t deny that they are useful!) and I need to figure out a plan for my gift bags (which are in the laundry hamper… sorted and culled, I might add!). Most of what’s on the counter right now will end up on the pegboard, which is why it’s so loaded down.

Of course it has nothing to do with the fact that I own too much craft stuff. Noooo…

I also have the conundrum of where to store some of my larger materials. I think our storage room will need to take on those extra items for now.

I’d love to add a rug to delineate the space a bit more from the rest of the family room (not pictured because I’m slobby), but we’ll see how the budget goes.

Oooh! I forgot to tell you about the pegboard and gallery wall! *pours glass of wine* Let me tell you how excited I am for this. I have been lusting after a giant pegboard organizer for many a year now, and I will finally be getting one! Yahoo! I plan to paint it white and frame it out with some simple moulding, not unlike what we did to frame out our bathroom mirror. I’ll also be adding a little gallery wall with a cutesy corkboard (mostly for pinning charming photos of my incredibly sweet baby girl) and some cool Mexican folk art. Because Erick’s from Mexico City, we’ve travelled quite a bit there and I’ve picked up some great pieces to incorporate.

What else have I worked on this week? Well, I’ve painted the corkboard and it looks FAB! I’ve also painted the stool, so I’m ready to start upholstering the top of it. Of course, first I need to hand-dye the fabric for it… Oh yeah. I’m going there.

Up next is painting the bookcase and moving the counter. That will really help to move things along! You know what else will help move things along? House guests arriving on Sunday. Yeah. « Mind the paint bucket! »

I hope to see you back here next week for more progress updates. You can check out all the great bloggers participating in the $100 Room Challenge by clicking the images below. There is some fantastic decorating happening on a tiny budget!