I just arrived home from Newfoundland on Saturday, and my head (and camera!) is filled with Atlantic beauty. With my choir, the Siamsa Singers, I visited St John’s, Trinity, Elliston, and Eastport. It was a trip filled with gorgeous scenery, fantastic weather, amazing camaraderie, and more great music than I can even begin to describe.

Instead of doing a play-by-play of the trip like I did for my travels in India, I’m creating a series of design posts inspired by the scenery and history of Newfoundland. Maybe some of this inspiration will make it into our upcoming living room, kitchen, and music room makeovers…


St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Trinity


The view from the Old Trails lookout, Salvage Bay



The view from Signal Hill, St John’s

I used Benjamin Moore’s colour gallery to pinpoint six hues that recurred in these photos. nfld colours

Then I went to town window-shopping on the ol’ internet to create this imaginary living room:

nfld inspiration final


One of the details that jumped out at me when I looked back at my photos was the play of different textures. You have the rocky barrenness of the terrain paired with the smoothness of the ocean, or the waxy, round-leafed green foliage next to sharp, jutting stone. I tried to keep that mixture of textures in my inspiration board. The driftwood side table with the sleek glass lamp is one of my favourite elements. The idea was to keep it nautical without becoming hit-you-over-the-head-with-an-anchor NAUTICAL. What do you think? Have you ever based a room’s design on your travels?

Source List

All colours by Benjamin Moore


Driftwood side table 

Blue and gray pillows

Red pillow


Lamp base



Red pouffe