What a difference a day week makes. I’ve almost finished painting the music room! As you can see in today’s photo, I have some touch-ups to do on the ceiling (damn those salmony ceilings!) and the walls definitely need another coat. And I have to paint the trim. Luckily, there’s only the baseboards, window, and around the door frames. It’ll be a pretty fast job.

I made this little side-by-side comparison to show you the HUGE difference! For the record, I did not touch-up either of these photos, so what you see is what you get. I particularly like the whole light-fixture-dangling-from-the-ceiling look. Work it!Music room b&a

I cannot wait until this project is completed! Now that I can see the room changing, I really feel fired up to get a move on. I haven’t had a chance to show you guys yet, but I’ve been working on making over the piano bench as well.

I found it for $5 at a garage sale a couple of years ago. It was dark brown, a little beat up, and had needlepoint upholstery. I wasn’t really feeling it, so I re-upholstered the top and left it at that. Now, though, I’m ready to give it a second lease on life!


I’ve removed the top and plan to upholster it. *Oh shoot, I have to go to Fabricville! Twist my rubber arm!*


I’ve primed the bottom with two coats of white, and I’m planning to go with a nice, bright yellow. This pin is my inspiration.

Well, sorry to post and run, but I *have* to go to Fabricville. It’s a tough job, but someone’s gotta do it. 😉