Spring is finally here! And by “finally here” I mean that we’re supposed to get 3-5 cm of snow this weekend! Happy Easter, Canada!

But I’m not griping any more about the weather. My whining and complaining days are over (at least for today) and instead, I have turned my living room into its most spring-worthy self!

How I decorated for Spring for less than $20 | Flourish & Knot

That’s right: I did it all for less than $20, too! Any day where you can liven things up for less than the cost of a decent bottle of wine, is a good day in my books. And if that day also includes a decent bottle of wine… Well, so much the better!

In case you missed this weekend’s post, I got back in touch with my childhood and dyed some eggs in various pretty shades of blue and green. They now stand front and centre on my Spring “mantel”. Sadly, our home has no mantel (someday, somehow…), so I always try to give our buffet the special holiday treatment. Most days, the buffet is strewn with my junk things of Great and Immediate Importance. But not today! I am trying to turn over a new leaf by prettifying it, thereby discouraging myself from using as the largest shelf in the house. Or is that floor? I can never remember! 🙂

Charming spring decor | Flourish & Knot

Pretty spring buffet decor | Flourish & Knot

The faux forsythia (fauxsythia?) branches came from Maxi (the grocery store known to the rest of Canada as the Real Canadian Superstore aka Loblaws) and were on sale for $2.49 each. Since my own forsythia (the real variety) won’t bloom (if it blooms at all) for many weeks, this will have to do for now. I’ve had the little birds for a long time now, and I can’t seem to remember where they came from. Erick would tell you they came from the Ceramic Animal House of Junk, but he would be wrong: they are actually painted cast iron.

Charming spring decor | Flourish & Knot

Look at them, perched watchfully over those gorgeous eggs! How can you not love them?!

Cheerful spring decor | Flourish & Knot

In my travels, I came across this delightful narcissus that just had to come home with me. That’s a whole lot of charm for $3.99! I re-potted it in my grandmother’s rose bowl. Once things warm up enough, I’ll re-plant them in my garden. I love how they look with the touch of yellow in the curtains!

Charming spring decor | Flourish & Knot

Stylish and cheerful spring decor | Flourish & Knot

Oh and the artichoke is also one of my favourite decor finds EVER. It came from the Inanimate Plaster Object House of Awesome.

Gorgeous narcissus | Flourish & KnotPretty spring decor | Flourish & Knot

And to give you an idea of what the living room looks like now (the last time you saw it, it was pretty unfinished)…

Our living room

There’s still A LOT to do (get the stereo up off the floor, for starters), but things are coming along nicely. I actually sewed the two large grey pillows myself. Maybe I’ll try to get a tutorial up sometime soon… I should also think about ironing them someday. But that day is not today.

If you want to liven up your Spring decor, but have a limited budget to work with, I really recommend that you shop your own house. Most of what I used here I already owned. You’d be surprised at how much we all accumulate and then forget about! I had completely forgotten about the little birds until I spied them out of the corner of my eye, and realized they’d be perfect. Don’t be afraid to incorporate what you already have: good decorating doesn’t have to cost a fortune. And it is totally okay to work on a room bit by bit!

Since the Easter weekend is upon us, and I don’t yet know how much DIY-ing/posting time I’ll have, I want to take this opportunity to wish you all the very best! I hope you are able to spend time with the people you love, and that this Spring-like weather inspires you to start something fresh and new.


(I linked up at Fiesta Friday!)