Last week I shared our plans to decorate our baby girl’s nursery for the spring edition of the One Room Challenge, hosted by Calling it Home. If you are joining me for the first time, then welcome! So glad to have you along for this nutty six-week makeover ride.

In case the title didn’t tip you off, we are decorating with a Harry Potter theme! You can check out my ORC week 1 post HERE.

Before I get down to the details of this week’s advancements, I’d like to thank everyone for their kind and thoughtful comments on last week’s post. Progress for progress’ sake has been encouraged! (Can’t believe I just made a Professor Umbridge reference. Shame on me. The entire HP fandom just shuddered. Although, ten points to whoever actually GOT that reference.)

Our #HarryPotter #nursery is coming along magically! | One Room Challenge - Week 2 |

We actually made a lot of progress this week! My handy husband has been hard at work finishing up the painting, and we are almost done with that part of this project. He had some help from my dad, which was also really appreciated.

As I said last week, three of the walls have been painted “Snowfall White” by Benjamin Moore. What I didn’t tell you last time was that our focal wall got painted “Newburyport Blue” (also by BM). I am just completely, head-over-heels, knock-me-over-with-a-levitating-feather in love with this colour!

Our #HarryPotter #nursery is coming along magically! | One Room Challenge - Week 2 |

It’s deep and rich without completely overpowering everything else (although I’ll admit that it certainly makes a splash, particularly in a – currently – empty room). The contrast between the white and blue is just so crisp. Totally yummy.

Now, we have some work still to do on the trim and doors, and we have a few touch-ups to do to the edge of the focal wall, but we’re about 9 3/4 done with the painting.

Our #HarryPotter #nursery is coming along magically! | One Room Challenge - Week 2 |

I wanted to share with you a few of our furniture and decor choices. These all come from Ikea, AKA the muggle world’s Forbidden Forest. If you’ve been to Ikea, you know exactly what I mean. My mother and I spent a morning shopping for some baby things, and believe me, it is a place of both ingenious beauty and dark evil. Plus, you can so get lost in it. But, here are a few of the things we picked up:

Hensvik Crib from Ikea | One Room Challenge week 2 |

Hensvik crib from Ikea

Himmelsk rug from Ikea | One Room Challenge week 2 |

Himmelsk rug from Ikea

Sanela curtains from Ikea | One Room Challenge week 2 |

Sanela curtains from Ikea

Sanela cushion from Ikea | One Room Challenge week 2 |

Sanela cushion cover from Ikea

We also purchased a mattress for the crib, so all in all, our budget so far is pretty reasonable.

Hensvik crib – $129.00

Vissa Vackert crib mattress – $99

Himmelsk rug – $49.99

Sanela curtains (pair) – $79.99

Sanela cushion cover – $9.99

Miscellaneous – $10

Paint – $100 (includes two colours + paint for the dresser)


Total $477.97

A lot of our other items and pieces of furniture are from my favourite second-hand store, the Shop of My Parents’ Garage, so we’ll be saving some money on those pieces. They’ve already given us a rocking chair, bookcase, and dresser (which will double as our change table). Thanks, mom and dad!

So, our to-do list is now a teensy bit shorter.

Nursery To-Do List

  • Prep the room (including filling holes and an old cable outlet)
  • Prime the room
  • Paint three walls “Snowfall White” 
  • Paint the focal wall
  • Decorate the focal wall
  • Paint the ceiling
  • Paint the closet
  • Paint the trim and doors
  • Shop for a crib and mattress
  • Shop for an area rug
  • Buy or make curtains (bought them)
  • Prep and sand the dresser
  • Paint the dresser
  • Hardware for the dresser?
  • Repaint the rocking chair
  • Throws and pillows for the rocking chair (started!)
  • Artwork (started!)
  • Side table?
  • Bookcase
  • Accessories (started!)
  • Organize the closet
  • And about a million things I have forgotten due to baby brain

I hope you’ll come back next week for part three of our One Room Challenge nursery. I’m hoping to share some progress on the aforementioned dresser, and maybe even a tentative layout. Slowly but surely, this room is coming together! If only I could wave my wand, shout “finite decoratum”, and behold a perfectly finished nursery.

Don’t forget to check out the featured and other guest participants of the One Room Challenge. There are some lovely makeovers in the works! And be sure to follow along with me on Facebook, where I’ll be posting little tidbits as we make progress on our nursery.

Have a great week!


Spring 2016 One Room Challenge | Week 1 | Week 2 | Week 3 | Week 4 | Week 5 | Week 6


Fall 2015 One Room Challenge | Reveal