American Thanksgiving and St Andrew’s Day are just around the corner (November 26th and 30th, respectively), so when the November Create & Share challenge was announced, I jumped at the chance to create a tablescape in honour of these events. Since we Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving a few weeks ago, I was eager to have another excuse to break out some lovely table setting pieces, and allow my imagination free reign.

My parents recently moved to a sweet little red brick Victorian home in a small Ontario town, and they graciously allowed me to use their new (old?) dining room as the setting for this challenge. Using family heirloom pieces, MacLeod tartan accessories (my clan!), and plenty of pine cones, I created a Scottish holiday table.

Scottish Holiday Table Horizontal

A Scottish Holiday Table | November Create & Share Challenge |

A Scottish Holiday Table | November Create & Share Challenge |

Many of the items I used in this setting have family significance. The silver tray was a bridal shower gift from my mother’s family. The silver bowl belonged to my grandmother. (You can see it used for a floral arrangement here!) The napkin rings were bought at an antique store on my first trip to Niagara-on-the-Lake with my then-boyfriend-now-husband. The tartan runner is the MacLeod tartan, which is the clan my family belongs to!

A Scottish Holiday Table | November Create & Share Challenge |

The centrepiece is possibly the simplest element to create. All you need is a large round tray and some kind of decorative bowl or vase. Place a pillar candle in the centre of the bowl or vase, and surround it with pinecones. Then place the bowl in the centre of the tray and surround the bowl with more pinecones.

Told you: simplest centrepiece EVER.

A Scottish Holiday Table | November Create & Share Challenge |

A Scottish Holiday Table | November Create & Share Challenge |

What would St Andrew’s Day be without a wee dram? Sadly, my parents had no single-malt to hand. They DID just move, though! (And my father assures me that this state of affairs will be quickly remedied.) In case you are wondering, the little blue and green ceramic bowl is called a Quaich, and it is traditionally passed around (with Scotch in it) at Scottish family gatherings. We even used one at our wedding!

A Scottish Holiday Table | November Create & Share Challenge |

A Scottish Holiday Table | November Create & Share Challenge |

Of course, this table setting is not confined to St Andrew’s Day or Thanksgiving alone. It is perfect for any fall or winter gathering, and could last well into the new year!


Now it’s your turn to « hop » around to see what the other 14 bloggers have created for their fall tables. Please take a moment to look through them – there is some lovely inspiration to be found!

15.  Tastefully Frugal

And in case you’re wondering: we DID sit down an enjoy a wonderful meal together after the photo shoot! My father made a mean mushroom soup, and my mom cooked a lovely pork roast. Heaven! But the best part was sharing a meal with the people we love.

That’s what these holidays really are all about, after all. In a world being shaken daily by violence and hatred, we are reminded of how fortunate we are to be able to gather, safely, with our loved ones. After a week filled with images of horror from Paris and Beirut, I am so thankful that I am to be able to sit down to dinner with my loving husband and parents.

So regardless of what, where, or when you celebrate, be mindful of those in our greater global community who are suffering. They need our compassion, our kindness, and our prayers. Think not only of those killed or wounded in these horrifying acts of violence, but of the families fleeing their homelands where this sort of violent act is a daily occurrence.

Pray for a world where we can all gather at a table in love, camaraderie, and peace.

A Scottish Holiday Table | November Create & Share Challenge |


Here’s where I link up each week:

Mondays: Merry MondayMonday FundayInspire Me MondayShow & TellLou Lou Girls

Tuesdays: Tell ’em TuesdayTwo Uses TuesdayTutorials & TipsTuesdays with a TwistHit Me with Your Best ShotTreasure Box Tuesday

Wednesdays: Pin Worthy WednesdaysWork it WednesdayWow Us WednesdayWake Up WednesdayWordless WednesdayWhimsy WednesdayWelcome Home Wednesdays

Thursdays: Think and Make ThursdayHandmade HangoutWeekend Re-TreatFavourite ThingsArtsy Fartsy Link PartyWhat to Do WeekendsFriday Features (Thursday)

Friday: Fiesta FridayFeathered NestLink Party PaloozaFriday Favourites

Saturday: Share it One More Time

Sunday: Nifty Thrifty SundaySilver PenniesSundays at HomeThat DIY PartyFrugal Crafty Blog HopShare the Wealth SundayFood Stars

Monthly/Recurring: Great Blog TrainSunday BrunchBefore and After