Stop the presses! Hear ye hear ye! Calling one and all! I’ve found the perfect summer appetizer!

Balsamic-drizzled watermelon, feta, and basil bites


A couple of months ago, one of the teachers at my school made something super similar to this for our Friday social. When I saw the World’s Most Perfect Watermelon at the grocery store, I knew the time had come to re-create the magic.

The steps could not be simpler:

1. Cut the watermelon into small bites – rectangular prisms for the anal-retentive scientific amongst you.

2. Layer on a fresh basil leaf

3. Layer on a cube of feta cheese

4. Stab the whole thing like you’re a character from Game of Thrones with a toothpick

5. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar (preferably the syrupy kind)

6. Run away with the plate and eat them all yourself

basil biteI’ll try to fit in a super-quick Newfoundland update some time between today and next weekend. Until then – happy cooking!


I linked up at Fiesta Friday!