One of the more enjoyable aspects of pregnancy (you know, besides the nausea, fatigue, and general anxiety) is dreaming up the perfect nursery space for baby. 🙂 One challenge we’ve encountered so far in our planning is the lack of creative, intellectually-inspired baby products. A lot of what’s out there just seems so generic. So, when UncommonGoods invited me to create a mood board of their products, I knew it would be a great partnership! Their name alone says it all…

Little Scientist nursery inspiration with |

This post was sponsored by UncommonGoods. I was compensated for featuring their products on Flourish & Knot. All opinions are my own.

Of course, I gravitated towards their baby products, and had a fabulous time perusing the selection offered. It was so refreshing to see so many stimulating and inventive items for children and babies!  I was particularly impressed with the number of science-related baby and children’s products available, and decided to run with the idea of a Little Scientist nursery mood board.

(And may I just say that it is really frustrating that many other companies seem to gear their science-y baby stuff only towards boys. What would Marie Curie think of that, I wonder.)

UncommonGoods’ focus is sustainable, socially-responsible home decor, apparel, and gifts. UncommonGoods sources their environmentally-friendly products directly from artists or small manufacturers. I was struck by the variety of products available, and immediately jumped into collecting ideas for my mood board.

Here is a closer look at a few of the items I’d like to see in a Little Scientist nursery.

Star Chart 2

I love the idea of a personalized growth chart! I had one as a child, and I know I would have spent hours tracing all the beautiful designs on this celestially-inspired chart.

Moon Clock

This moon clock is such a dreamy addition to any room, really, but would work so perfectly in a science-themed nursery. I think every child imagines themselves walking alone on the moon at some point. It just such a mysterious idea; little wonder that the moon has fascinated us for millennia.

Blast Off Nightlight

And how does that child GET to the moon? Why, in a rocketship like this one, of course! This little nightlight would be such a sweet detail.

Periodic Table Building Blocks

These periodic table building blocks just make the nerd in me so, so happy. My grandfather was an organic chemist, so I can just imagine him spending hours with our baby, explaining each block. 🙂 We’ll have to do our best to inspired an interest in chemistry in our kids, in his honour!

Magnetic Robot

Is it wrong that I would really, REALLY love to own this magnetic robot toy myself? I think if we bought it for baby, it would spend more time in my hands (or in my husband’s hands) than in our kid’s!

Water Cycle Babysuit

As an avid gardener, I really want our child to learn about the environment. Start ’em young with this onesie, I say!

Personalized Solar System

Another gorgeous decor item I would like to own for myself. Maybe it wouldn’t make it into baby’s room at all…

All Aboard Book Series

Of course, no nursery (let alone a science-themed nursery) is complete without lots and lots of books. I love the idea of introducing geography at a really young age. As a teacher, I’m always astounded when I mention a place and few of my students can tell me where it is! Ahh! I have to instantly switch hats from music teacher to geography teacher.

UncommonGoods really has so many creative gift ideas for babies, and I encourage anyone who is planning a nursery to think beyond the usual, and encourage intellectual curiosity from a young age. As a teacher, I see the effects of brain-based play in my students day in and day out! If you need ideas for older children, UncommonGoods can also help you there.

Big thanks to UncommonGoods for inviting me to feature their range of baby and children’s products and toys. There are lots of great ideas to be had (and some of them may even make it on to my own baby registry)! I encourage you to check out their delightful products for yourself.

Have an inspiring week!