I love to taste-test new recipes, particularly ones that hail from culinary cultures other than my own, so today’s post from Leslie at From Playdates to Parties is right up my alley! Her recipe for a simple, easy Huminta sounds absolutely delicious. What is Huminta, you ask? Well, I didn’t know either, but after reading Leslie’s recipe, I’m really looking forward to adding this Bolivian corn cake to my arsenal. It is choc full of spices and just sounds so much more interesting than your run-of-the-mill corn bread or cake. 

By now, you’re probably familiar with how the Spectacular Summer Blog Hop works, but in case you are stopping by for the first time today… The SSBH involves 11 bloggers posting creative summer projects, ideas, crafts, and recipes throughout June-August. Each of us takes turns being featured, and we all support each other by posting “teaser”-style posts on our blogs. We also get to ask each other some fun trivia, which is such a great way of getting to know each other beyond our blog content! Here’s a little about Leslie…

What’s your favourite zoo animal and why? 

Definitely the giraffe. Aside from just being so curious to look at, they’re so quiet and calm. With three kids under 10, any quiet moment is cherished.

What is one thing you will never do again?

Go ahead and spend the $4 on a new box instead of making Samoas from Scratch.