Where was this post back in March when I was making over my craft space?? For today’s Spectacular Summer Blog Hop, Ash and Eileen of Just Measuring Up built THE BEST AND EASIEST DIY CRAFT STORAGE!!!! I love how they planned and built it, and the colours they chose are bright and creative. SUCH a great craft space makeover. I wish I’d seen this before I did my makeover because I could definitely have used their FREE downloadable plans. Sigh…

See what I mean about the colours??? I love the purple, blue, and white palette. 

And just for the fun of it (and because it’s such an integral part of this summer-long blog hop), here’s a bit about Ash and Eileen of Just Measuring Up. I just wish I knew whether it was Ash or Eileen who answered the questions! Maybe 

Did you love or hate school when you were a kid?

I enjoyed school. I received good grades and was recognized for my hard work, so I didn’t mind it. Although, I loved the summertime. I took school very seriously and was always happy for a break.

[Weren’t we all happy for the summer break?? 🙂 ]

What is your favourite flower?

Yellow tulips. I love how bright and happy they are. And, I love seeing fields of tulips – truly gorgeous!

[I completely agree: tulips have to be the most cheerful flower. I love them, too!]

Spectacular Summer Blog Hop

Don’t forget to check out all of the great summer ideas from the #SpectacularSummerBlogHop!