Today’s Spectacular Summer Blog Hop post is over at Crafting a Family, where Susan has put together SIX fantastic ideas and recipes for putting together a charming backyard campout-themed kids’ picnic. She really thought of everything, including pitching a cozy tent and some camping-turned-picnic food, and she compiled it all into a handy printable mini e-book. If you have young cousins or grandchildren coming to stay this summer, I think you need to head on over and see her ideas! Or maybe you’re a teacher like me, and are looking for some ways to keep your kids occupied while everyone’s at home over the summer break? I’ll be pinning Susan’s post for use a few years from now with our little girl. 

Kid-Friendly Backyard Cookout Picnic

Part of the fun of this summer-long blog hop is finding out a little more about each of the participating bloggers! Here’s a bit about Susan from Crafting a Family:

If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for?

I would like to throw a back-yard summer picnic for my family and friends, just because it is summer.

[I’m actually in the throes of preparing for a BIG backyard BBQ in honour of my parents’ 40th wedding anniversary. I hear you, Susan! Backyard parties are the best.]

What was the last book you read?

The last book I read was “The Motivation Manifesto” by Brendon Burchard.

Spectacular Summer Blog Hop

Don’t forget to visit all of the summer inspiration in the #SpectacularSummerBlogHop!