Happy Thursday! For today’s Spectacular Summer Blog Hop, Victoria from Dazzle While Frazzled has some awesome, FREE summery printables for you. They are all about the beach, and – get this! – they are TRILINGUAL! Yessssssss! In our house, we speak English, French, and Spanish, so finding that she’d made these lovely little gems in all three of our languages was really exciting. Kudos to Victoria for going the extra mile for her readers. 

Here’s one of them, but make sure to head over to her blog to download them properly in high-resolution! These would be really lovely as some seasonal art, or in a guest room. You could print a smaller version, laminate them, and use them as beach bag tags. 

Not only is Victoria generous with her time and talents for her readers, but she’s also a pretty interesting person! Here’s a bit about her…

What’s your favourite holiday?

Thanksgiving. I love that the holiday is solely about food and family togetherness. No gifts to wrap or eggs to hide!

If you could throw any kind of party, what would it be like and what would it be for?

A beachy-nautical themed party complete with themed dress.

Spectacular Summer Blog Hop

Don’t forget that there’s lots more summer inspiration in the #SpectacularSummerBogHop!