Today’s Spectacular Summer Blog Hop post is timely for two reasons: one, our little girl had her first birthday, which means that her room’s needs are changing, and two, it’s raining again so I have nothing better to do than organize her room. Luckily, Amy from Health, Home and Heart has some really useful tips for organizing a little kid’s room to make it efficient and lovely both for the parents and the child. 

I especially love her tips about organizing and storing books! Our little girl LOVES to “read” and be read to, so having her books easily accessible is a top priority as her room evolves with her. It’ll also be good when she’s old enough to start tidying up her toys and books. (When will that be, exactly??)

(Also there’s a super pretty lace teepee you should see…)

As always with the #SpectacularSummerBlogHop, here’s a little bit about Amy, the blogger behind Health, Home and Heart. I’m sure she’d love it if you checked out her organization tips!

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Australia. This is a bucket list destination for me for many different reasons. I hope someday I’ll be able to make it happen, although it probably won’t be until my kids are quite a bit older…

Ooooh Australia is on my list, too! 

You can see all the summery inspiration and ideas from the hop here!

Spectacular Summer Blog Hop